Wednesday, March 18, 2020


  • A headline is talking about how lawyers urge consent for divorce, this shows that divorce may becoming more frequent at this time.

  • There is an article on a recent flood in Italy which shows that British media also had interests in other countries at the time because of trade and resourcing raw materials.

  • On the side is an article about how Jacqueline Kennedy has found a new husband and how is just a replacement of John F Kennedy by calling him the alternate president.

  • There is also the usual advertisement for women’s lingerie

  • There are reviews of plays like Macbeth and King Arthur on the side.

  • There are no stories about black people, gay people and not many stories about women's success.

1 comment:

  1. Divorce: this draws attention to public and government concern about the potential destabilizing effect of easier divorce.
    Jackie K: women tended to have social importance and be referred to only in their capacity as wives rather than in their own right. The lingerie advert, along with knitting adverts elsewhere on other covers, position women in the domestic sphere. You recognise the lack of representation about women in general.I dont think that there are any stories about women's success.
