Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Select ONE hip-hop music magazine cover of your choice.
Paste into your blog for Prep.
Analyse the representation and media language of the cover.

This hip-hop music magazine has been organised in a bold, colourful way. In the top left of the magazine is the name in big capital letters – XXL. The centre has the central splash of Juice WRLD which is the main feature in the magazine. His name is in the bottom left in a crazy, imperfect font. It has been laid out all in big sizes and clear fonts.

In contrast, the background of is a splash of colour with lots of flowers and petals. Juice WRLD also has some colour with his jacket, hair and light on his face. There isn’t much surrounding him apart from the columns on the right of different artists featured inside the magazine to draw readers in. It is full of bright and bold images to attract the reader as well. This is a large contrast to Juice WRLD’s music which is often considered as ‘emo hip-hop’.

The typography of this cover is very distinct and easy to read. The main title of the cover is almost as large as the name of the magazine. This shows his importance in the rap world. Above the headline (name of artist) are the words, ‘Hip-Hop’s New Heroes’. This could also be a reason for the colours as he is a new, bright and vibrant addition to the hip-hop scene.

Below the headline is a pull quote from an article which Juice WRLD has said: “I wanna change the world”. This shows his mind is set onto big things and wants to make a movement and an impact which could explain his serious facial expression as he is not one to be messed with when it comes to music.

1 comment:

  1. You explain how the strong bright colours, warped font and central splash all contribute to creating an 'emo hip-hop' genre. You should also comment on the ways in which Juice WRLD is represented: young, serious, making eye contact, lit strongly from one side treating him almost in a reverential way.This fits with the strong message that is almost messianic.
    You should also the following terminology: cover line, two-deck coverline, sans-serif font.
