Wednesday, March 25, 2020



In the trailer for The Lego Movie, Emmet is represented as brain-dead and not a very good hero as he doesn’t know what’s going on, he isn’t listening to what Vitruvius is saying and he is freaking out when things get dangerous – none of which are very good traits for a hero. He is also distracted easily when he sees Wildstyle.

Also, the trailer engages audiences by playing dramatic music and sound effects. It also has dramatic text cards saying phrases like: “the world’s greatest heroes” and “the biggest movie ever assembled”. This engages the audience as they want to know who the heroes are and why it’s the biggest movie ever.

1 comment:

  1. Emmett may be an unlikely hero but he is not without appeal: he engages audience as he is unassuming and the opposite of stereotypical heroes who are self-important as well as self-confident. He is an everyman figure, not unlike us, so we can identify with him, especially children.
    The trailer 'text cards' are called INTER TITLES and are a trailer convention.
    The trailer moves at a rapid pace with dramatic music and key events, another trailer convention.
    The trailer offers action, drama and excitement as well as humour.
    It features many characters from the Marvell Cinematic Universe which different audiences will recognise.
