Friday, September 4, 2020




Beach sounds, seagulls to show location

Action/rock music

police chief speech

juxtaposition to unflattering situation at beach

shouting at officer while chief talks about respect

'positive daily interactions with the public' gets punched in the face

but he is also seen to be good at his job and knows what he is doing

In the first few opening minutes, you are introduced to the setting and one of the main characters. The establishing shot begins with a helicopter shot of the sea and the sound of waves crashing and seagulls squawking which gives the viewer an idea of where the show is set until Brighton pier is revealed and  viewer knows the exact location. There is also some non-diagetic rock music playing as we are introduced to Ryan. This action music makes him seem like the hero of the show and so the viewers already know he is one of the main characters. Over the music you can hear the voice of the chief of police as he says a speech about the rewards and challenges that come with being a police officer. A lot of the speech juxtaposes with the action which is happening on screen as Ryan is called to sort our an altercation on a nude beach. For example, the chief of police talks about how the officers have the respect of the public, while, on-screen, Ryan is getting punched in the nose and shouted at by some drunks.

1 comment:

  1. 3/5
    A good idea to have made notes as you watch. Spelling: diegetic.
    Be sure to draw conclusions about the juxtaposition of the two settings (chaos and indignity of the beach scene contrasted with polished dignity and control of the chief super's ceremony) and make the COMEDY and IRONY of the meaning clear. Sound: some police vehicle & walkie talkie sounds connote the genre
