Wednesday, October 9, 2019


How ‘The Lego Movie’ Ad-Break Promoted the Film Successfully

To promote ‘The Lego Movie’, Warner Bros approached four brands to recreate some of their adverts into Lego. They put them together into a three-and-a-half-minute long ad-break which aired on TV across the nation and really helped promote ‘The Lego Movie’. Six million people saw the break live on TV, and an additional 1 million viewed it on YouTube. After the film had been released, it was shown that the ad-break influenced 5% of opening week’s box office revenue, resulting in a ROMI (Return On Marketing Investment) of £5.96 for every £1 spent. Finally, the break was tested by market research company ‘YouGov’, who said, “it as the best performing ad break they’ve ever measured”, combining the ads into a piece of entertainment which made the break 14% more enjoyable than an identical break featuring the originals.

1 comment:

  1. You have understood that 'success' can be measured in terms of financial uplift, resulting in increased box office returns, and raw audience numbers.
    You could also draw attention to the quality of the content, such as the entertaining humour of the parodies.
