Friday, October 18, 2019


Secret Claremont Photography Lesson

During the lesson on 18/10/19, we went around the school site taking photographs of areas and features of Claremont that most people wouldn’t notice if they weren’t looking for them. For example, we looked for places which framed different areas well (i.e. tunnel, staircase, etc.). Also, as it was a sunny day, we could use that to our advantage; I took photos of the sun shining through the leaves and shadows scattered on the walls. We looked for places that had good reflections, e.g. windows, puddles, etc. Finally, we went to some of the historic parts of the mansion like Clive’s Bath and took photos of all the antiques and history behind it. I enjoyed the lesson as I got to explore the mansion and go to places I had never been to before which allowed me to see Claremont from a different perspective.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


How ‘The Lego Movie’ Ad-Break Promoted the Film Successfully

To promote ‘The Lego Movie’, Warner Bros approached four brands to recreate some of their adverts into Lego. They put them together into a three-and-a-half-minute long ad-break which aired on TV across the nation and really helped promote ‘The Lego Movie’. Six million people saw the break live on TV, and an additional 1 million viewed it on YouTube. After the film had been released, it was shown that the ad-break influenced 5% of opening week’s box office revenue, resulting in a ROMI (Return On Marketing Investment) of £5.96 for every £1 spent. Finally, the break was tested by market research company ‘YouGov’, who said, “it as the best performing ad break they’ve ever measured”, combining the ads into a piece of entertainment which made the break 14% more enjoyable than an identical break featuring the originals.

Friday, October 4, 2019


Emma Peel as a Stereotype/Anti-Stereotype

Emma Peel as an Anti-Stereotype
Emma is bright and intelligent and a martial arts expert who stays calm in tricky situations. This makes her anti-stereotypical as she isn’t spending her days cleaning the house, but instead writing lectures and practising fencing.

Emma is a young, brave and powerful woman who is up for any fight. This makes her anti-stereotypical as she isn’t calling for a hero to save her, but calling for the hero to stay back so she can get the job done.

Emma Peel as a Reactionary Stereotype
Emma is put in a skin-tight cat suit which shows a lot of her body. This objectifies her and she is basically a sex object as she is shown off like a piece of art.

Emma is objectified during the introductory fencing match when there is a close-up of Emma’s bottom which Steed pats with his foil. This, once again, objectifies her and makes her look like she is something Steed can play with.