Monday, February 1, 2021


 1. How has technology changed the way people use newspapers?

Newspapers are currently in the process of moving from physical copies to online with articles being published on the newspapers websites. Being online allows journalists to give updates about news throughout the entire day, instead of once per day/week. Also, newspapers can also get reports, videos and photographs from around the world easily with help from improvements in technology. This allows, articles to be finished at much higher speeds, this means audiences can get the latest news almost straight after it has happened.  It also allows the readers from around the world to contribute by sending in reports and photographs with ease in order to help improve the accuracy of different articles.

Also, the recently changes in technology allow for newspapers to become much more interactive as readers can now access the articles on their phones/computers. This allows for users to make comments on articles and express their opinions with other users as well as the people who work at the newspaper company. This increase in accessibility transforms newspapers from something people read once a day, to something people can check multiple times a day with updates to discussions appearing every few hours. Also, this new way for people to express their opinions, allows the newspaper companies to be able to get ideas of what the public think of the world's situations. This allows them to create more precise articles which include opinions from the public.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 10/10 Good subject knowledge of how online newspapers function and what they offer audiences, such as updated editions, rapid reporting, accessibility, high quality photos, video content as well as interactivity, from engaging audiences through inviting opinions to 'citizen journalism' input.
