Friday, January 8, 2021


The first part of today's session is planning how to take forwards my hip hop music video under lockdown at home. I came to these decisions:

  • I will approach family members to act as cameraman and discuss suitable filming times outdoors, indoors, in the garden - at the moment my brother has agreed to help me film during my lunch hours and my mum has agreed to help when she can.
  • Montage sequences: I started today by making a practice photo in PowerPoint using 'remove background', featuring myself as performer against a school locker hall background (below). By doing this I learnt I should wear more colourful clothes as I feel like I don't stand out enough from the background. By knowing wear my video will be set, I am able to adjust the lighting to fit the scene, e.g. indoors - bright white lights, outdoors - softer yellow lights.
  • A series of such images could be cut to the beat. Therefore, is the montage sequence likely to go with a 'quiet' (slow) bit of my lyrics or a 'busy' (fast) bit? That decision will affect what I shoot and how I edit my clips together. For example, when the chorus is being performed, the camera can move rapidly in multiple directions and be edited on beat, however when the verse is playing, the pace can slow down and the narrative can be told.
  • Greenscreen: I have the possibility to use my greenscreen at home, the OCR board will allow found images in the circumstances. I could use it to place myself in ideal locations for my music video such as school halls. It allows to be film in locations that I otherwise wouldn't be able to use in llockdown.
  • I will re-imagine my music video so that I am able to do it in the lockdown conditions. E.g. new storyboard and selection of camera angles/movements. I will have to think of new locations which I can film at that I am allowed to go to.

1 comment:

  1. Whilst the one image is great, with clean lines and strong contrast colours, appropriate setting and clothes, there needs to be more specific evidence of your planning and response to the bullet point questions.
